BDA 4.14 - Current plan and timelines to uptake CDH 5.16
Roadmap to the last CDH 5.x release on BDA and BDCS/BDCCContent
A quick update to the community on the current estimated timelines around CDH 5.16 on BDA (and the other platforms).
While we are working on up taking, and enabling an easy migration to C6.0.1, we are also working on getting the last 5.x release to everyone. The current timelines for BDA 4.14 are around the early - mid December timeframe. That is going to be based on the then-current 5.16 version, most likely something like 5.16.1.
Note that this is Cloudera's last "major" C5 release (e.g. 5.X). Various maintenance releases (e.g. 5.x.Y) will be arriving and those are of course supported per our standard policies.