Is it possible/planned to change authentication and authorizationn mechanizm i
Is it possible/planned to change authentication and authorizationn mechanizm in BigDataManagerUse Case and Business Need
Customer has plenty of user who will do their own analysis using spark interpreter in Zeppelin notebok (bdm-notebook) accessing data in CDH cluster. Cluster is kerberized with trust to customer's AD.
In the current version of bdm-notebokk there are only two possibilities (if I am right):
1. create each user who will run zeppelin notebook locally in bigdatamanager application (which stores information im datamovement database (mysql))
2. change /opt/oracle/bdm-notebook/conf/shiro.ini to PAM authentication
Second solution meets customers expectation, except the need of double signing (first to bigdatamanager using local application account and second using own account with password verified against active directory / LDAP, KDC, etc.)