RequestListener.outOfMemory after Dimbuild in Essbase Studio
RequestListener.outOfMemory after Dimbuild in Essbase StudioContent
Hi all,
some days ago, our cube deployments from Essbase Studio started to act up. I wrote a batchscript which rebuilds only the account-Dimension of my cube (while keeping all the data) and then loads the data via Maxl. It worked fine until recently.
But now it seems that after rebuilding my account dimension Essbase Studio runs out of memory. After the dimension deployment the data load does start, but fails immediately.
The log file of my Maxl script looks like this:
MAXL> deploy data from model 'C001_LB_Modell_Default' in cube schema '\DCRep\****\Cubes\****_CubeSchema' login admin identified by **** on host 'localhost:12080' to application '****' database 'SmartRep' overwrite values use streaming build using connection 'DCEssProd01' keep 200 errors on error ignore dataload write to default; |