BSO Aggregation - PL/BS Accts Final Version run-time vs PL Accts AtPlanRate Version run-time
BSO Aggregation - PL/BS Accts Final Version run-time vs PL Accts AtPlanRate Version run-timeContent
We have a BSO cube that we load PL/BS accts Final Version into from EBS each month. We run an FX conversion and then an aggregation calc, wh/ it takes approximately 11 minutes. I then run a calc wh/ uses the DATACOPY command to copy all local currency PL accts from the Final Version into the AtPlanRate version. I run an FX conversion and then use the same aggregation calc on AtPlanRate. That aggregation takes 7 hrs.
I exported the PL data and the Final version is 67M and the AtPlanRate version is 70M; however, if I open the files up in textpad, they are both 533,540 lines. Both files only contain 1 month of data.