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Personalize Attribute to Readonly on Edit Contact Page but not on Create Contact
Personalize Attribute to Readonly on Edit Contact Page but not on Create ContactContent
We don't want to allow Employees to edit contacts via Self Service to avoid issues in Benefits processing. Benefits team is ok with Employees creating contact but not changing DOB or Gender that could affect coverage.
We thought of personalizing the Read Only attribute for DOB to following EL Expression. This is making DOB Readonly on both Edit & Create Contact Page. is there a way to tweak EL Expression to effect Edit page only and not Create Contact Page?
#{!(pageFlowScope.editNameContactPersonId == bindings.ContactPersonId.inputValue) || (backingBeanScope.EditPersonalContactsFuseBean.contactIsReadOnly) || (securityContext.userInRole['NOV_EMPLOYEE_US,NOV_EMPLOYEE_CA'])}