ICS Agent Issue
ICS Agent IssueContent
Hello All We have successfully installed the agent & it was working fine until we get the below error from no where in the event of restarting the agent . We used this event to build integration too to access eBS & database. Caused By: oracle.tip.adapter.sa.impl.fw.ext.org.collaxa.thirdparty.apache.wsif.WSIFException: file:/home/oradba5/agenthome/user_projects/domains/agent-domain/agent/data/JSV_HCMCLO_TO_EBSR12_1_01/UK-DEV122-EBSinbound_238BS/Write_to_EBS.wsdl [ Write_to_EBS_ptt::Write_to_EBS(parameters) ] - WSIF JCA Execute of operation 'Write_to_EBS' failed due to: Invalid ISO8601 datetime specification. The date or timestamp specification 01/01/1951 01/01/1951 is not ISO8601 compliant. A date or timestamp specification that is not ISO8601 compliant was encountered. ; nested exception is: BINDING.JCA-11814 Invalid ISO8601 datetime specification. The date or timestamp