How do you bind data to menu options?
What is the syntax for binding data to a menu option?Content
In this JET example, how do we bind a data variables to the actual listing of Options in VBCS?
<oj-menu-button id="menuButton1">
<!-- To handle menu item selection, use an action listener as shown, not a click listener. -->
<oj-menu id="myMenu1" slot="menu" style="display:none" on-oj-action="[[menuItemAction]]">
<!-- ko foreach: menuItems -->
<oj-option data-bind="attr: {id: id, disabled: disabled, value: label}">
<span slot="startIcon" data-bind="css: icon"></span>
<span data-bind="text: label"></span>
<!-- /ko -->
<oj-menu-button id="menuButton2">
We tried something like this, but we cannot get it to display.