Smart View version 11125710- Issue when trying to access OBIEE 12c "OBIEE:Request Catalog object fa
Smart View version 11125710- Issue when trying to access OBIEE 12c "OBIEE:Request Catalog object failed due to Invalid XML "Content
The report has custom logical sql where the user modified the sql based on his requirement.Now he is trying to access this report from Smart View -> Excel 2013.
The report opens fine in OBIEE Analysis but when trying to access this report and check the View Analysis Properties -> "OBIEE:Request Catalog object failed due to Invalid XML "
Tried getting the Diagnostics and is as below:
/25/onStatus nullÿÿÿÿ
SIflex.messaging.messages.ErrorMessage headers clientId destination faultDetail messageId body clientVersion timeToLive faultCode faultString rootCause correlationId timestamp