Email Notification when a SOA ESS Job errors out or miss a schedule
Organization Name
Oracle SOA Cloud has Enterprise Scheduler to schedule any SOA Job (Synchronous, Asynchronous or OneWay). Currently I do not see an option to configure an email notification on the Job Definition Page whenever the Job misses out a schedule (due to any SOA server issue) or say the Job errors out due to underlying composite error.
Use Case and Business Need
We have some business critical integrations , for ex - Exchange Rate import interface that fetches current Exchange Rates on a daily basis scheduled through ESS. This job is so critical that it cannot miss any schedule and if so it has to be re-triggered within a period of time to prevent orders not getting created or not getting created with incorrect rates (If exchange rates are loaded with deviations). If there is a email notification feature available on the ESS, it would really help the support team to know upfront and load the rates through UI upload.