IF clause in Assign Expression
IF clause in Assign ExpressionContent
Hi everybody,
Is it possible to include an IF clause inside the 'Value Expression' of an 'Assign Action'? My problem is that I'm declaring and variable and I initialize ins value with a field from the payload request, but this field is optional, so sometimes it might not come in the request, and when the field is not included in the request I'm getting the following error on that initial assignment:
<bpelFault><faultType>0</faultType><selectionFailure xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2003/03/business-process/"><part name="summary"><summary>The <from> value is invalid. The result of from-spec is null. Either the from node value or the xpath query in the from node value was invalid. According to BPEL4WS spec 1.1 section 14.3, the from node value should not be empty. Verify the from node value at line number 234 in the BPEL source. </summary></part><part name="query"><query>$ics_api_internal_variable.parameters/../nssrcmpr:createUpdateAccount/nssrcmpr:arg0/nssrcmpr:partyId</query></part><part name="lineNumber"><lineNumber>234</lineNumber></part><part name="activity"><activity>30139-BpAss16-BpSeq1.3-21</activity></part></selectionFailure></bpelFault>