BPM maxl deployment failure when trying to load data to cube through Essbase Studio
BPM maxl deployment failure when trying to load data to cube through Essbase StudioContent
Hi everyone. We recently built a new cube in our Studio environment and were able to successfully use MaxL to deploy the outline to Essbase. After the outline load, we try to use a "deploy all" statement to update the outline and then load data, but we are receiving the following error:
BPM Connect Status: Success
Index: 1, Size: 1
BPM maxl deployment ...failure.
After the maxl encounters the data load piece, it simply fails and crashes. The odd thing is that we are able to deploy other cubes and load data just fine using the same maxl statement but just switching out the cube schema names and application destinations, it is just this particular deployment that is failing. Also notable is that we are able to successfully deploy the outline AND load the data manually through the Studio console. It is only when we use maxl statements that it fails.