Data Access by Legal Entity instead of Business Unit
How to assign data access to users by Legal Entity using custom Database ResourceContent
A client has a requirement for billing managers to manage receivables activities by Legal Entity. Currently we have set up custom job roles that use Data Security Policies driven by Business Unit. However their are multiple LEs per BU, and the customer wants to restrict by LE, not BU.
I know under 'Security Console > Administration > General > Manage Database Resources' you can create a custom Database Resource, which is clear. However, FUN_USER_ROLE_DATA_ASGNMNTS does not have a Legal Entity column, so you seemingly cannot assign Legal Entities to users via 'Manage Data Access for Users', so I don't know what to do with the custom Database Resource . Is there another way to assign potentially multiple Legal Entities to a user other than 'Manage Data Access for Users' (or derive it somehow), that I could then use as a Condition SQL Predicate in a custom Database Resource? A billing clerk could handle 2