EPMAutomate connection via Citrix
EPMAutomate connection via CitrixContent
Hi all
Anyone under this forum, has used EPMAutomate via Citrix? Any addition configurations needed?
It works fine when connection is direct, but via Citrix, it hangs and nothing happens. No errors are generated.
I checked the online documentation and nothing is mentioned in relation to Citrix.
Here is our Script:
@echo off
title EPM Automate
REM mode con:cols=100
set returnValue=0
SET utility_dir=%~dp0
set current_dir=%CD%
cd /d %utility_dir%
set temp_pwd=%cd%
cd /d %current_dir%
set JAVA_HOME=%temp_pwd%\..\jre1.8.0_111
if not exist "%JAVA_HOME%" (
echo ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set. Please set the JAVA_HOME and try again