Export Data job for ASO very slow
I know there are various ways to export ASO data, but for some reason we have to use the Export Data job. Since the Export Data job has limitation on number of cells(5 million), so we divided the job by each month of the current year. However by running one month of export (one period with current year for one scenario, and all level0 of other dimensions) it takes ~40 minutes to export 50,000 records. It does not sounds reasonable, but it is reasonable if it's trying all potential combinations.
However there is no option to do a NONEMPTY setting. I tried creating a dummy scenario, e.g. Dummy_Actual with member formula as NONEMPTYMEMBER [Actual] [Actual], and use this dummy scenario in the export job, but the problem is you have to choose Include Dynamic member which then becomes a nightmare because there are also many accounts are dynamic members.