OIC Connectivity Agent Password Expiration
OIC Connectivity Agent Password ExpirationContent
Agents are configured with OIC users subject to normal password expiration. When agent passwords expire, the integration will not work until the password is reset. Our integtrations involve agents running on our customer's servers, so the looming threat of the agent password expiration requires us to maintain root access to our customer's server and can result in downtime. What are best practices to avoid this? There are implications (https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_afrLoop=471952737376643&parent=EXTERNAL_SEARCH&sourceId=HOWTO&id… ) that an Ouath2 IDCS application can be created that can somehow authenticate the agent with system credentials that do not expire, but I can't find any explantation anywhere of how this can be achieved with an agent, i.e. how would the InstallerProfile.cfg be set up to use Oauth2? If we proactively reset agent users, e.g. during a PMA, will the expiration time be reset, such that we can avoid any downtime as long as we reset before the scheduled expiration? The problem with this is that we still need root access to the customer's system in order to complete