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Good news! The Enterprise Data Management Development team listened to your feedback and delivered 2

edited May 1, 2020 5:52PM in Enterprise Data Management 5 comments


Read about new features


Read the full descriptions of new features here

Below is a summary of the 20 features

1. Collaborate with Users on Requests in Submit Stage

To facilitate multiple users participating on a request, the request assignee can ask additional users to collaborate on Draft and Pushed Back requests in the Submit stage. Collaborators can be added or removed from a request. Collaborators are notified of requests in which they were asked to collaborate.

Collaborating on a Request in Administering and Working with Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud

2. Concurrent Editing of Requests

When multiple users are collaborating on the same request, those users may be working on the request at the same time. Concurrent editing allows users to work simultaneously on the request while ensuring data integrity and alerting users of changes made by others.

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