Oracle BI Cloud Connector WSDL giving error in OIC connection
Would like to create SOAP connection for Oracle BICC WSDL and giving errorContent
We are planning to automate Oracle BI Cloud Connector extract through OIC. For that, connection needs to be established from OIC for BICC. BICC provides SOAP WSDL for connectivity. When I tried to establish SOAP connecting providing WSDL URL, it's giving error -
SOAPADAPTR-20027 : Cause - Unable to parse definition as configured wsdl is not supported, Action - Verify WSDL definition and please make sure that your schema documents are correct
BICC WSDL : https://hostname:443/bi/ess/esswebservice?wsdl
I also tried importing WSDL and removing security stuff from WSDL but it's not working.