Significance of ICSIntegrationMetadata.xsd file in an integration
We've been experiencing an error during a sub integration call, the mapper for the sub integration call cannot be opened.
Error Message:
An error occurred while preparing mapper object. [Cause: The schema or wsdl file does not contain the global element {urn:aseXML:r38}:Transaction File: file:/u01/data/domains/oiciad2I_domain/servers/oiciad2I_server_2/storage/ics/tmp/WC/itg_2062664988801723385/resources/processor_2867/resourcegroup_2868/ICSIntegrationMetadata.xsd If the schema or wsdl file has been modified you may need to create a new XSL map.]
The schema or wsdl file does not contain the global element {urn:aseXML:r38}:Transaction File: file:/u01/data/domains/oiciad2I_domain/servers/oiciad2I_server_2/storage/ics/tmp/WC/itg_2062664988801723385/