ASO groovy - MDX function to filter based on UDA in alternate hierarchy
ASO groovy - MDX function to filter based on UDA in alternate hierarchyContent
We are trying to filter entities in a shared hierarchy based on currency UDA. As an example, We have an alternate hierarchy "Liquid Pipeline" and there are multiple levels underneath "Liquid pipeline"; However, all the level zero entities are shared. Further, each entity is assigned a UDA based on its functional currency.
As part of allocations, we want to filter all the LOBs that have "USD" UDA under liquid pipeline.
We tried with INTERSECT function as below :
parameters0.Pov = "Crossjoin(Crossjoin(Crossjoin(Crossjoin(Crossjoin(INTERSECT({UDA([Entity],\"CAD\")},{Descendants([SLIQPIPE], [SLIQPIPE].dimension.Levels(0))}),{Descendants([Allocations_Costcenters], [Allocations_Costcenters].dimension.Levels(0))}),{Descendants([YearTotal], [YearTotal].dimension.Levels(0))}),{[OEP_Plan]}),{[OEP_Working]}),{[&PlanStartYr]})"