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EPM Automate command to Addusers to Indentity Domain

edited Jul 22, 2020 6:07PM in EPM Platform and Freeform 1 comment


I am trying to use EPM Automate command "addusers" to add users to the Identity Domain but the problem with the command is that it asks to provide password and whether to force user to reset the password or not.

epmautomate addUsers <span class="codeinlineitalic">FILE_NAME</span> userPassword=<span class="codeinlineitalic">PASSWORD</span> [resetPassword=true|false]

This cannot be used in SSO environment because there is no need of password. Is that any other command or any other way users that one can add users to the identity domain via epm automate in a SSO environment? I can bulk add users from excel without password if I do it manually from the identity domain but EPM Automate does not allow me to do the same thing. Seems like that feature needs to be added to Epm automate.


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