Supply Contact DFF REST API
Create/Update DFF through RESTContent
Hi, I'm trying to create/update Supply Contact DFF through REST API.
So far, I can create or update a simple Supply Contact with following payload with POST/PATCH.
{"FirstName": "Name",
"LastName": "Surname",
"AdministrativeContactFlag": false,
"MobileCountryCode": "1",
"MobileAreaCode": "11",
"MobileNumber": "1234-4321"}
I tried adding DFF array
"DFF": [{
"registroGeralRg": 1234,
"numeroDoCpf": 12341234,
"necessitaDeDoumentos": null,
"necessitaPep": "Não"
But the answer is 400 bad request, 'The action "update" is not enabled.'.
Please advise if I'm sending the correct payload and method.
Erick Nakamura