Reset oj-select-one component to default
Hello Team,
We have a add button and when it is clicked a form is shown up where user selects the value from oj-select-one and saves. when next time user clicks on add button ,previous data is still there. I want it to be clear when add is clicked. I tried with refresh component and setting value-option object to undefined but , nothing has worked.
code snippet :
<oj-select-one label-hint="Name" id="ContactName1" required="true" options-keys.value="PartyId" options-keys.label="ContactName" options="[[$page.variables.contactsListSDP]]" value-option="{{ $variables.DummyContactLabelandValue }}" on-value-changed="[[$listeners.contactName1Value]]" >
after saving , we tried to reset $variables.DummyContactLabelandValue to undefined (that is of type object).. but that undefined value is shown in selectone.