UDA not recognized when member is shared - Please clarify
UDA on a (referenced) member is no longer recognized by BR once the member sharedContent
Hi everyone,
I've got account member X within hierarchy ACCOUNT/PL/NetIncome (Account Dimension/Lvl2/Lvl1/) which hangs below the member NetIncome. There is a UDA on that member X and a business rules that creates a fix based on that UDA. Once I create a hierarchy ACCOUNT/PL/NetIncome2 which contains that member X as a shared element, the BR does not recognize the UDA anymore and the referenced member is excempt from certain calulcations.
This is what the manual says: "You cannot place a shared member [and] its referenced member under the same parent. In a duplicate member outline, siblings must be unique.". In my understanding however, that is not what is happening here. Can anybody explain to me what is happening or has anybody had that issue as well?