SonarQube integration with build job
Trying to use SonarQube in build job. the build job is successful but it is not generating SonarQube Result publisher report. Giving message as "SonarQube Project Summary not stored for this build #1Content
[2020-09-24 07:29:55] Step 3/5 : ADD ./src/main/resources/Wallet_ATP /tmp/Wallet_ATP
[2020-09-24 07:30:08] Created new issue 3361 to track the Vulnerabilities detected.
[2020-09-24 07:30:08] SonarQube Project Summary not stored for this build #170
[2020-09-24 07:29:57] ---> e1ac4912d2b2
[2020-09-24 07:29:57] Step 4/5 : COPY target/Inventory-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar app.jar
[2020-09-24 07:29:58] ---> 95f224bbe412
[2020-09-24 07:29:58] Step 5/5 : ENTRYPOINT ["java","","-jar","/app.jar","--debug"]