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OIC should handle payload of size greater than 10MB in case of json response

edited Sep 29, 2020 8:14AM in Idea Lab – Integration Cloud 1 comment


Currently when the response of json payload is less than 10 MB then OIC works fine, but if the size exceeds 10MB then it errors out. So, OIC should increase this limit to al least 50 MB.

Use Case and Business Need

There is a custom API which does not have offset and limit, And the response is in json format. when we use the get operation, the size of the response is greater than 10 mb because of which it errors out in OIC. So can the size be increased to 50 MB.

More details

There is a custom API which does not have offset and limit, And the response is in json format. when we use the get operation, the size of the response is greater than 10 mb because of which it errors out in OIC. So can the size be increased to 50 MB.

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