Hello -
we want to use /fscmRestApi/resources/{SupplierId}/child/sites to get all Sites for a particular Supplier.
Question - we do not get SupplierId from our partner client. but we do get Suppliier Numbber from the client. So we think following should work.
Execute getAll Supplier and narrow it on q Supplier Number = 66666
Then garb the SupplierId from response and supply it to /fscmRestApi/resources/{SupplierId}/child/sites to get all Sites.
Isn't above process bit lengthy ?
what is the shortcut so we execute entire requirement in one REST call ? How do we modify /fscmRestApi/resources/{SupplierId}/child/sites to accomodate find Supplierr Nuumber on SupplierId and then get all sites in single REST URI call ?