Rest Adapter Patch Method always returns 404
I'm Trying to invoke Rest Api , with a patch method , by passing a template paramter called SupplierId,
i've configured the sample json request and sample response , these samples works fine on POSTMAN
when i try to invoke the Patch Method in OIC with rest adapter , i always get the error 404
"type": "",
"title": "Internal Server Error",
"detail": "Internal server error. Please contact oracle support for details.",
"o:errorCode": "500",
"o:errorDetails": [
"type": "UnMappedFault:execute",
"instance": "NA",
"title": "Fault Details : \n<ns2:APIInvocationError xmlns:ns2=\"\"><ns2:type/><ns2:title/><ns2:detail/><ns2:errorCode/><ns2:errorDetails><ns2:type></ns2:type><ns2:title>Not