Error Writing to Stage File in OIC
Writing to Stage File Activity throws an Error when all data is filtered out in the Corresponding Map using XSLTContent
I have a 'Write-to-Stage-File-Activity added to the Integration and I would like to write only the records satisfying a particular condition into the file. Instead of using separate 'For-Each' and 'Switch' activities before the 'Write-to-Stage-File-Activity', I simply put the conditions in the Write-to-Stage-File-Activity's Mapper itself (Map for Write-to-Stage-File-Activity)
In a case or two, there is a possibility that none of the records satisfy the condition in the 'XSLT: if' test and there is no record being created on the target side of the mapper, and when this self-closing parent tag (since there is no record data) is being sent to the 'Write to Stage File' activity it errors out with the error: '