SelectSingle new biz
Have an ADP based editable table. Inside editable table, have a editable SelectSingle.
On this editable SelectSingle have created getSuppliersListSDP variable. It has
Key Attributes = SupplierId
<oj-select-single placeholder="Select" value="{{ $variables.myRow.supplierId }}" data="[[$page.variables.getSuppliersListSDP]]" item-text="Supplier" disabled="[[ $current.row.linkedFlag === 'linked' ]]"></oj-select-single>
When user selects Supplier say ABC, then SupplierId ( 4567889 ) gets submitted. We really need SupplierId submitted as we need this
a> id to be passed on to OIC and
b> also we want to save this submitted id in the VBCS BO.
We have already accomplished both a and b and is working perfect.
Issue : When this happens, 4567889 is shown in the SelectSingle. Now biz has come back say - they want to see Supplier ( ABC ) to showup in SelectSingle after the selection instead of current 4567889.