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Advise needed to compose Member Formula driver base expense account

edited Feb 8, 2021 2:11PM in Planning 7 comments


formula advise needed for a target parent level member multiplied by a level 0 working member



I'm having difficulty composing a member formula for driver based calculation.

the formula is 'Units' * 'standard Cost Estimate'

I can come to a result when i do my input on both the same version and both the same cost centre. But the cusomer does the input on different levels...

The standard cost is on parent level of cost centre, hence I'm using the Target Version

The units is on Level0Descendants of cost centre and hence is 'Working' Version.

The formula I have that works is when I use for both members working and level0descendants. or Target and Parent level but not when you mix.

Howdy, Stranger!

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