Need Help in Logical SQL for recruiting sysdate time condition
Need Help in Logical SQL for recruiting sysdate time conditionContent
Hi Team,
I am trying to add a new filter condition like "and TRUNC("Recruiting - Recruiting Events Real Time"."Job Application History - Event Details"."Event Date" "Event Date",'MI') = TRUNC(sysdate - (1/1440*5),'MI')" in the below logical SQL, however could not able to finish the same.
Need help to fix this logical SQL.
Thanks in advance.
"Recruiting - Recruiting Events Real Time"."Candidate"."Candidate Full Name" "Full Name",
"Recruiting - Recruiting Events Real Time"."Candidate"."Candidate Number" "Candidate Number",
"Recruiting - Recruiting Events Real Time"."History - Phase"."Name" "Current Phase",