Create a table from DataGridDefinitionBuilder
Hi all,
We are trying to create table with groovy (to include in an email message) based on a DataGridDefinitionBuilder. What is the best way to do this? The datagridbuilder is build up as following:
Cube lookupcube = operation.application.getCube("Plan")
DataGridDefinitionBuilder builder = lookupcube.dataGridDefinitionBuilder()
builder.addPov(['Year', 'Scenario', 'Currency', 'Version','View'], [['FY21'], ['Forecast 1'], ['LC'], ['Working'], ['Total Plan']])
builder.addColumn(['Account','Product'], [ ['Revenue'],['All Products'] ])
builder.addRow(['Entity','Site','Period'], [ ['ILvl0Descendants("Total Company")'],['ILvl0Descendants("Total Cost Center")'],['ILvl0Descendants("Yeartotal")'] ])
The desired output is (this will be included in a HTML message):