Seek for advice on loading customer forecasts into Demand Management Cloud
Loading customer forecast into Demand Management CloudContent
Business Case: The client receives sales forecasts from its customers like Walmart and BestBuy. What is the best way to load the customer forecasts to DM cloud?
- In the default measure catalog for demand management, there is a measure called 'Customer Sales Forecast'. Can I use this measure as the destination of customer forecasts from Walmart, etc.?
- Can I use template ScpForecastMeasureImportTemplate to load customer forecasts? The reason that I ask this question is because the template's description says 'The forecasts that can be uploaded are: Marketing Forecast, Marketing Forecast Value, Sales Forecast, Sales Forecast Value, and Imported Forecast. Imported Forecast is used for an additional forecast for which a named measure is not available.' So I am not sure if the template can serve our purpose.