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GHR > Update AssignmentName attribute via HDL
Hello All,
I will appreciate your support on the following: As we want to change the Assignment Name of Employees via HDL (by performing “a Correct on the Last Action performed on the Employee”), can you please confirm the 3 points below:
- For WorkTerms object in HDL file, we can use the field AssignmentId [For Assignment Type ET-Employment Term] (refer to line no. 1. & 2. of the HDL file)
- For WorkTerms object in HDL file, for each employment updates performed on an Employee, the fields ActionCode, EffectiveStartDate, and EffectiveEndDate are the same for the records with respectively Assignment Type ET (Employment Terms) and E (Employment). It means when HR updates the employment (Job Change, Position Change, etc) via the UI, the same values for ActionCode, EffectiveStartDate, and EffectiveEndDate are inserted for the records with Assignment Type ET (Employment Terms) and E (Employment)