OIC-FTP-List-Position is reading the old file not latest file
I am using OIC(Ver and I have FTP List with position value as
floor ((((fn:current-dateTime() - xsd:dateTime ("1970-01-01T00:00:00" )) - xsd:dayTimeDuration ("PT0H15M" )) div xsd:dayTimeDuration ("PT0.001S" )) ).
which means it reads the file which has uploaded into MFT folder within last 15 mins of scheduler app running time. If multiple files exist and a single file generated within last 15 mins then it is working fine. But if file1 generated first and file2 generated next with in last 15 mins then FTP List is picking file 1 not file 2. But I need the latest file to pick that is File 2.