21B Issue: Demand Engine is ending with warning
21B Issue: Demand Engine is ending with warningContent
After 21B upgrade, we are seeing issue with Demand plan, where engine is completing with warning, We dont have any custom global causal factor enabled.
Here is the error-
16:23:42:636 ERROR Failed to execute : pipe.
16:23:42:636 Following are the 0 argument values:
16:23:42:636 ERROR Engine error (c/src/Processors/EngBaseProcessor.cpp:237, 20:21:54)
Case (2): Runtime error.
Description: ExecuteHook() threw std::exception: Engine error (c/src/Processors/EngBaseProcessor.cpp:233, 20:21:54)
Case (4): Matlab Wrapper exception <mwException>.
Description: ExecuteHook() threw Matlab exception: Indexing: Invalid Index
Caught & printed out at: EngSchema::Process with schema: preProcessing.xml
16:23:42:636 [1,42688,10125] forecast failed.
16:23:42:636 EngineHeartBeatMonitor - HB timer tick, counter: 6, time diff: 0
16:23:42:636 Following are the 0 argument values:
16:23:42:636 ERROR Engine error (c/src/Processors/EngBaseProcessor.cpp:237, 20:21:54)
Case (2): Runtime error.
Description: ExecuteHook() threw std::exception: Engine error (c/src/Processors/EngBaseProcessor.cpp:233, 20:21:54)
Case (4): Matlab Wrapper exception <mwException>.
Description: ExecuteHook() threw Matlab exception: Indexing: Invalid Index
Caught & printed out at: EngSchema::Process with schema: preProcessing.xml
16:23:42:636 [1,42688,10125] forecast failed.
16:23:42:636 EngineHeartBeatMonitor - HB timer tick, counter: 6, time diff: 0