SFTP Unzip or Writing Timeout
SFTP Unzip or Writing TimeoutContent
Hello Gurus,
We have a process that gets zip files (Header & Line) from BICC Cloud and when we get full extract this files are very large size.
Header zip file is around 50MB and the file inside which is the actual line file is around 500MB (.csv)
Line zip file is around 85MB and the file inside which is the actual line file is around 750MB (.csv)
Both this zip files are received from BICC and written to DBCS SFTP server to stage,unzip and write. So the first step after receiving the zip , OIC does stage unzip the header file first and then writes the .csv to another directory for next process to pickup the .csv file. This happens fine with header file however when it tries to unzip the line file its unable to do so and gets timeout error and stops the process.