Business rule syntax error
Hi Everyone,
I have the following relatively simple business rule that I am trying to create to attach to a form:
FIX (/*DIM:Years*/"FY21",
/*DIM:Entity*/@IDescendants("OEP_Total Entity"),
/*DIM:Product*/"No Product",
/*DIM:Activity*/@IDescendants("Total Activity"),
/*DIM:Identifier*/@IDescendants("Total Identifier"),
/*DIM:Cost Center*/@IDescendants("Total Cost Center"),
/*DIM:Employee*/"OFS_No Employee"),
/*DIM:Plan Element*/("OFS_Calculated")
"Quantité"->"BegBalance" * "Coût_de_produit"->"BegBalance" / 12;
From the attached screenshot, the business rule is attempting to do A * B /12, store the resulting value across the year and this for all the accounts displayed in the form (first column/the various rows). When attempting to validate this rule I am getting a syntax error, but I am not entirely sure what the error is.