For more information, please refer to this announcement explaining best practices for getting answers to questions.
Questionnaire error on multiple-choice questions
Questionnaire error on multiple-choice questionsContent
We've started receiving the attached error on one our questionnaires we use as a learning assessment, specifically on multiple-choice questions.
It appears as soon as the learner selects one option on the question, and continues to appear until they have selected the correct amount of options required for the question. This is quite irritating for the learner as they have to dismiss the error each time before they can select another option (and this questionnaire in particular is made up almost entirely of multiple-choice questions!)
I checked the questionnaire template thinking perhaps it was because the questions were marked as required, but none of them are. I wouldn't expect such a message to appear until the learner attempts to submit the questionnaire after completing it, not as soon as they interact with a multiple-choice question before having the chance to select the required amount of options.