Uploading to VBCS component exchange (US instance) does not work
We would like to upload ojet components into the US component exchange server for VBCS, in order to use them in a demo pod.
We used the URL/user/pwd information from this page:
We ran below two commands:
ojet configure --exchange-url=https://devinstance4wd8us2-wd4devcs8us2.uscom-central-1.oraclecloud.com/profile/devinstance4wd8us2-wd4devcs8us2/s/devinstance4wd8us2-wd4devcs8us2_compcatalog_3461/compcatalog/0.2.0
ojet publish pack oj-mcps --username comp.catalog --password bXwphh6RMFjn#g