Requisition/Purchase order Approval using Job Level Hierarchy starting at certain Job Level
How to configure Requisition/Purchase Orders Approval starting at certain Job Level?Content
does anybody know how to configure Requisition/Purchase Orders Approval using Job Level Hierarchy and start approval at certain Job Level?
1. Customer Requires approval based on Job Level Hierarchy of the Requester starting at Job Level 8 (i.e. skip Job Levels from 1 to 7). How this simple requirement could be configured in application?
2. Additionally Customer requires to start at Job Level 8, 9 or 10 depending on if they exist in Requester Job Level Hierarachy and continue to next level. For example:
In case of the hierarchy
Requester -> ManagerA1(Job Level 1) -> ..... -> ManagerA8(Job Level 8) -> ManagerA11(Job Level 11)