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Access to OTBI from the subject area Security - Roles and Privileges to resolve access issues

edited Aug 19, 2021 12:46PM in Reporting and Analytics for ERP 4 comments


Need to to provide more broadly access to the OTBI from the subject area Security - Roles and Privileges subject area to help resolve access question more quickly.


We need the ability to grant power users the ability to view a dashboard with analysis that was created in OTBI from the subject area Security - Roles and Privileges. This is need to help more quickly resolve report access questions that are being raised by many other users.

Based on the documentation the Duty Security Transaction Analysis Duty is needed, however this duty is only inherited by the job role IT Security Manager which we DO NOT want to give to power users as it provides way too much authority in the system. We also noticed that anyone that has BI admin role has the ability to view this subject area as well, and we don't see how this is possible.


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