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Issue in Turn Over Report
I have built Turn Over Report with 2 subject areas workforce Management-Assignment Event Real Time and Workforce Management- Trend Real Time .Content
The Columns are Department Name, Hire Headcount, Beginning Headcount/Period Start Headcount, End Headcount/Period End Headcount, Voluntary Termination, Involuntary Termination, Termination Headcount, Turn Over Headcount, Voluntary Turnover%, Involuntary Turnover %,Transfers In and Transfers Out.
Effective start date and end date as prompts.
I am pulling Hire Headcount and Transfer In, Effective start date and Effective end date from workforce Management-Assignment Event Real Time and rest columns from Workforce Management- Trend Real Time.
While testing for a particular department for a certain range of effective start date and end date, the count for Beginning Headcount/Period Start Headcount, Hire Headcount ,Turn Over Headcount, and Termination Headcount is giving a set of counts and in the same analysis when i include person number and Name the count of this four metrics gets changed.