Making Period and Movement Dense: Report Performance Issues with QTD/YTD Views
Hi everyone,
I am looking into making Period and Movement dense in our FCC application and am finding that the QTD/YTD View performance is unacceptable. 1-second Smart View pulls now take 7 to 10 seconds, not to mention larger pulls take extremely long.
I checked the performance troubleshooting document, including adjusting Solve Orders as needed, but the performance is still really slow. I also tried making parents in one of our custom dimensions Never Share, but when I ran Consolidation/Translation, top-level values still showed as $0.
Has anyone found a way to get the QTD/YTD Views to perform well with DSO enabled? Are there workarounds for those? It would be nice to enable this option since it reduces our application size by about 80%, but I'd prefer not to make our users sum up periods using Excel formulas