epmautomate SendMail is blocking emails from being sent to specific users
I encountered strange behavior where it appears (based on the epmautomate log) that SendMail is being blocked from sending emails to a specific user. The kicker is that the block is occurring and the Pod level. Logging into one Pod and emailing to that user works but from another it does not and get this error message:
Exit Method runJob of class com.hyperion.epmctl.client.processaction.actions.SendMail Exit Method processRequest of class com.hyperion.epmctl.client.processaction.actions.SendMail EPMAT-1:254 4.7.1 - userEmail@theirCompanyDomain.com is suppressed for sender ocid1.emailsender.oc1.phx
I assume that there must be some sort of "blocked email" list causing this issue so it would be good to know how it can be controlled.