DSO FCCS - Substituition variables , conflict?
We recently migrated our FCCS application to DSO (dense sparse optimization), however we didnt see any substantial reduction in the consolidation times. Could there be a conflict with the enabled substitution variables that we have? Can someone please advise which of the following list of enabled variables not making any sense?
1) configConsolWithThreadVar = true
2) ConsolidationReportAcctLimit = 100
3) DisableEEA = true
4) EnableOptimalBlockCreation = true
5) EnableSimpleAggregation = true
6) EnableYearlyConsol= true
7) ExtendAccountScope = false
8) OptimizeConcurrency = true
9) OptimizeOMLcmImport = true
10) OptimizeYTDCalculation = true
11) ParallelCustomDimDSO = true
12) ParallelCustomDimTranslation = true