How to pass null value for LOV field in OIC mapper. How to remove tag from payload if its null
How to pass null value for LOV field in OIC mapper. How to remove tag from payload if its null
Content (required): I am trying to update list of 9 DFFs via REST api in OIC. One of the DFF - DrawType is configured as LOV in the Fusion. The source file may or may not have value for this. Since its an lov, I am unable to send null value. So i added an if condition as below
<nstrgdfl:drawType xml:id="id_266">
<xsl:if xml:id="id_267" test="string-length (($CurPerson/nsmpr1:Record/nsmpr1:DrawType > 0) )">
<xsl:value-of xml:id="id_268" select="$CurPerson/nsmpr1:Record/nsmpr1:DrawType"/>