Can we generate consolidated documents grouped by the value of one field?
Instead of one single consolidated document, can we generate consolidated documents grouped by the value of one field?
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We generate consolidated documents based on campaign lines, which means user can select multiple lines and generate one consolidated document. Question: Instead of one single consolidated document, can we generate consolidated documents grouped by the value of one field? For example, user selects 5 lines as below.
Line 1: Field Attribute1 = A
Line 2: Field Attribute1 = B
Line 3: Field Attribute1 = C
Line 4: Field Attribute1 = B
Line 5: Field Attribute1 = A
Based on Attribute1, GTM should automatically generate 3 documents. Line 1 and 5 are in one document. Line 2 and 4 are in the second document. Line 3 is in the third one.