What is the purpose of DUAL_UOM_CONTROL column at EGP_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B table?
Summary: Need to understand usage of DUAL_UOM_CONTROL column on EGP_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B table
Content: We have defined/import thousands of new items using application UI and FBDI templates last one month. Some items DUAL_UOM_CONTROL values are 1 and others are 4 at EGP_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B. We want to know how this field is populated and at which point Oracle modules use this information.
Oracle’s explanation of this field is “Attribute indicating if pricing is based on the primary or secondary unit of measure.” at the below document. However, they didn’t mention that its purchase pricing or selling pricing? Also, we have another field for selling pricing on the same table (ONT_PRICING_QTY_SOURCE)