What role or privilege gives access to validate invoices and update invoice installments via REST AP
We are using rest API and need to submit the POST requests to validate an invoice and update an invoice installment. What privileges are required for this?
Content (required):
We are using rest API and we need to submit the POST requests to validate an invoice (URL: invoices/action/validateInvoice; https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/financials/22d/farfa/op-invoices-action-validateinvoice-post.html)
and the PATCH requests to update an invoice installment (URL: invoices/{_invoice.InvoiceId}/child/invoiceInstallments; https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/financials/22d/farfa/op-invoices-invoicesuniqid-child-invoiceinstallments-invoiceinstallmentsuniqid-patch.html)
Can anyone help me identify what specific role or privilege gives this permission?